Monday, May 20, 2013

Our Puppy Dog

me: Hey, you wanna come help me get dinner ready in the kitchen?
me: Why not? You love helping in the kitchen.
son: Um...I'm getting comfy with my puppy. 
me: You know she is not a pillow pet.
son: Yes, she is my comfy pillow. She is my puppy.

copywrite Mrs.PJ 2013- FOREVER!
Big dogs are comfy!

She is not really a puppy anymore. Our sweet little puppy is eight or nine years old, which is way older than our three year old. She has loved him since the day he was born though. 

copywrite 2013-FOREVER! Mrs.PJ
On guard the first day.

She was our practice baby before we had our real babies. When she was a puppy Mr. PJ would carry her around in his arms all day. She has adapted without hesitation to new homes and both of our babies.   Most importantly both of our babies adore her. 

copyright 2013-FOREVER Mrs.PJ
"She is my Clifford!"
We have taught him how to be gentle with her. He doesn't try to ride her like a horse anymore. His only chores are to feed her and let her outside to go potty. He takes this responsibility very seriously and loves out puppy dearly. Really she is already an old girl and I worry about what will happen when she is gone. She is smart and sweet and for now I will tolerate the white fur on everything because we love her.

copywrite 2013- Forever Mrs.PJ
This past Sunday the baby was sleeping between Mr.PJ and myself. She is nine months and trying to talk a little, not doing more than "mamamama" and "dadadada".  Anyway, I was watching her wake up and she smiled with recognition when she saw me and her daddy. Then she sat up and saw the dog at the foot of the bed. She let out a gasp and said, "A puppy!" It was too darn cute.

copyright 2013- FOREVER Mrs.PJ
Pretending to be a jackrabbit.

On a completely different note, you might want to know that I have added a new Frequently Asked Questions page to the Sharing is Caring section on the left over there. Hopefully that will clear up a few questions people have asked. I don't get tons of free time to work on the old blog since I am a working momma, so I do appreciate your feedback and support. How can you support this blog? Super easy, just share links with your friends by e-mail or on your facebook page. If you have two seconds to click on the squares below it would be much appreciated.

Take care,

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  1. Our puppy, that is not so much a puppy, is our first baby too. He's eight and half, and our two girls, 4 and 1, LOVE him. I just found your blog and as a high school teacher myself with two young girls at home I am so glad I did. Looks like we share similiar experiences. What subject do you teach? If you have a chance to stop in for a visit I'm at Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  2. So cute, I love this! We have two dogs and they were our first babies before our human baby. I was pretty nervous about how they would all get along, but now that Jack is 16 months old he chases them around and they make him laugh like crazy. It's so wonderful.

  3. A good dog helps multiply the love in any house. Thanks for sharing your puppy love stories!


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